Development of a Social Sciences Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom Pangngadakkang Tupanrita by Utilizing Digital Resources to Improve Prosocial Behavior of Elementary School Students South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia




Learning Models, Local Wisdom, Pangngadakkang Tupanrita, Prosocial Behavior


Objective: This research aims to produce a social science learning model based on pangngadakkang tupanrita by using digital resources that are feasible, practical and effective to increase the prosocial behavior of elementary school students


Theoretical Framework: One of the causes of low prosocial behavior is the lack of learning material that contains this topic coupled with learning models that are not applied appropriately so that students' understanding of the concepts does not reach the application stage


Method: This research is research and development of the Borg, Gall, and Gall model which consists of ten steps


Results and Discussion: The results of the study are based on the identification of the needs of Sanrobone State Elementary School students, it was found that low prosocial behavior requires a learning model that is able to improve students' prosocial behavior at each activity step and a social studies learning model based on pangngadakkang tupanrita is very feasible, very practical, used and quite effective to improve the prosocial behavior of elementary school students in South Sulawesi Province.


Research Implications: Teaching local wisdom to students through digital resources can enhance their learning process and help them understand traditional culture and values. In addition, this research also shows how this paradigm can enhance prosocial behavior, shape students' personalities, foster stronger social bonds, and prepare them to participate responsibly in society.


Originality/Value: It enriches the curriculum with information from local customs and culture by combining local knowledge with digital learning tools. With an emphasis on improving prosocial behavior, the program broadens students' understanding of cultural heritage.


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Como Citar

Rafiuddin, C. Asri Budiningsih, Suwarjo, Megawati, Puspitasari, E., & Harefa, E. (2024). Development of a Social Sciences Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom Pangngadakkang Tupanrita by Utilizing Digital Resources to Improve Prosocial Behavior of Elementary School Students South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(8), e05186.


