The New Paths of Environmental Management In Brazil: Reflections on Participatory Governance in the Environmental Permit Process




Environmental Licensing, Participatory Environmental Management, Environmental Management


Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate environmental management in Brazil, with the aim of recovering the trajectory of the legal landmarks that anchor it and highlight the regulatory proposals for licensing currently under discussion in the National Congress, which point in the direction of a greater flexibility of the process and greater rigor in the observance of deadlines, alongside the weakening of the role of public hearings.


Theoretical Reference: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented. Above all, the discussion on environmental governance is highlighted, which provides a solid basis for understanding the context of research.


Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises a literature review on participatory governance and analysis of primary and secondary data. The data collection was carried out by means of documentary analysis.


Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed the setback that is insinuated with the deconstruction of legal conquests that were supposed to be consolidated, which denotes a clear trend of reformulation of Brazilian environmental policy informed by the primacy of economic interests over the sustainable, and democratic, management of the environment. In the discussion section, these results are contextualized in the light of the theoretical benchmark, highlighting the implications and relationships identified. Possible discrepancies and limitations of the study are also considered in this section.


Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of environmental management in the country. These implications can cover the areas of sustainability, participatory management, socio-environmental justice, among others.


Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by critically addressing proposals for restructuring environmental licensing in the country. The relevance and value of this research is evidenced by helping to understand the trajectory of environmental legal milestones and the impacts that the proposed changes suggest.


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How to Cite

Silva , T. S. A., Carneiro , R., & Brasil, F. de P. D. (2024). The New Paths of Environmental Management In Brazil: Reflections on Participatory Governance in the Environmental Permit Process. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(9), e06567.


