The Influence of Islamic Leadership and Organizational Culture on Lecturer Satisfaction and Performance Alkhairaat Palu University




Islamic Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Lecturer Performance


Objectives: The aim of this research is twofold. Firstly, it seeks to analyze the influence of Islamic leadership and organizational culture on the job satisfaction and performance of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu. Secondly, it aims to examine the impact of Islamic leadership and organizational culture on satisfaction and performance through job satisfaction.


Methods: This verification research employs a quantitative approach to analyze the influence of Islamic leadership variables and organizational culture variables on job satisfaction and performance of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu.


Results: The results of this research reveal that Islamic leadership significantly affects the job satisfaction of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu. Additionally, Islamic leadership has a significant effect on lecturer performance through job satisfaction, although it does not directly impact performance. This finding suggests that the influence of Islamic leadership on performance is mediated by job satisfaction. Organizational culture variables, on the other hand, significantly affect both job satisfaction and performance of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu. Furthermore, organizational culture influences performance through satisfaction. Job satisfaction itself is found to significantly affect the performance of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu.


Conclusion: In conclusion, this research highlights the significant influence of Islamic leadership and organizational culture on the job satisfaction and performance of lecturers at Alkhairaat University, Palu. While Islamic leadership directly impacts job satisfaction and indirectly affects performance through satisfaction, organizational culture directly influences both job satisfaction and performance. These findings underscore the importance of fostering positive Islamic leadership and a conducive organizational culture in enhancing the satisfaction and performance of lecturers in an Islamic-based institution like Alkhairaat University.


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How to Cite

Aldjufri, A., Basalamah, S., Yunus, A. R., & Bunyamin, A. (2024). The Influence of Islamic Leadership and Organizational Culture on Lecturer Satisfaction and Performance Alkhairaat Palu University. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(8), e06410.


