Shells That Have Been Polluted by Lead Around Youtefa Bay in Jayapura City Have Potential Risk of Non-Carcinogenic




Risk Analysis, Shell, Lead


Objective: This study aims to analyze how much of a health risk caused by lead exposure in shellfish can affect the health of humans or communities living around this location.


Method: This study is an observational study with risk analysis or Hazard Quotient. Samples have been collected through purposive sampling methods, using a cross-sectional study design.


Results and conclusions: The results showed that the concentration of lead in shellfish concentrations from 12 stations had an average value of 0.57 mg/kg and was classified as polluted because it was above the limit of the number of Indonesian National Standard 7387 of 2009 because the polluted standard was more than 0.3 mg/kg. Of the 75 respondents, the study found 33 respondents (44%) who had an RQ (risk quotient) of more than 1 indicating that they were vulnerable to lead contamination. It showed that the average RQ value of clams among the 75 respondents was 2.42. An average RQ of more than one suggests that people living near Youtefa Bay are at risk for developing the effects of lead exposure from polluted shellfish.


Implications of the study: This study in addition to measuring the concentration of Lead in shellfish also calculated the Risk Quotient of people who consumed shellfish with Hazard Quotient analysis.


Originality/value: Based on the calculation of the formula, the average value of RQ (2.42) is very high because RQ is above 1; therefore, this number (RQ) must be controlled. Researchers recommend that residents living near Youtefa Bay should be cautious of lead exposure by reducing total shellfish intake and reducing prolonged lead exposure.


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How to Cite

Hasmi. (2024). Shells That Have Been Polluted by Lead Around Youtefa Bay in Jayapura City Have Potential Risk of Non-Carcinogenic. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(8), e06231.


