The Antecedents of Successful Competency Test of Indonesia Family Planning Counselors




Competency Test, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Social Environment


Purpose: This study investigated several selected antecedents that affect the result of competency tests of family planning counselors in South Kalimantan Province, namely motivation, social environment, the institution role, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction.


Method/design/approach: This research was conducted in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, involving 330 active family planning counselors from 13 regencies/cities who had taken the competency test between 2017 and 2020. The study employed the census technique, which means all counselors were included in the sample. Data was analyzed using the 'Smart-PLS 3.0' software.


Results and conclusion: Data analysis with SmartPLS showed that Job Satisfaction, Institutional Role, and Self-efficacy significantly affect the success of the Competency Test. There were significant influences of motivation and social environment on self-efficacy.  Among these antecedents, the Institution’s Role was the most substantial factor affecting the Competency Test’s success.


Research implications: Policies and human resource development strategies of the Indonesia National Family Planning Coordinating Agency were discussed as part of the research implications.


Originality/value: The research analysis yielded valuable findings regarding the key determinants that exert a substantial influence on the efficacy of competency assessments administered to family planning counselors. The results of this study can be utilized to provide valuable insights for the formulation of policies and the development of human resource strategies within the Indonesia National Family Planning Coordinating Agency.


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How to Cite

Yuliatin , R., & Said, L. R. (2024). The Antecedents of Successful Competency Test of Indonesia Family Planning Counselors. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(8), e05696.


