Design of an Ideal Mentoring Model for People Who Convert to Hinduism as a Minority Religion in Indonesia




Hinduism, Mentoring Model, Religious Conversion


Objective: As a religious minority in Indonesia, when someone from another religion converts to Hinduism they often encounter obstacles in obtaining assistance after their conversion. Most of them only study self-taught, which has an impact on their understanding and faith which is not optimal. Seeing these conditions, an ideal mentoring model is needed, which is able to increase their understanding and faith in a sustainable manner. For this reason, this research aims to formulate a model for assisting people who convert to Hinduism in Indonesia.


Method: This research is initial research which aims to gather the needs of people who have converted to Hinduism and the opinions of experts regarding the ideal mentoring model. This research data was collected through documentation, observation and interviews. Data were analyzed qualitatively using ethnographic communication analysis.


Results and Discussion: The results of this research show that the ideal model for mentoring after converting to Hinduism is a mentoring model that includes material on the Tri Basic Framework of Hinduism (Tattwa, Susila, Acara) which is delivered using the Sad Dharma strategy.


Research Implications: The results of this research can be used as initial information in developing an effective mentoring model to be implemented in practice in the field in further research.


Originality/Value: This study contributes to the development of theory of conducting mentoring for people who convert to Hinduism in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Suhardi, U., Sudarsana, I. K., Indrayani, N. M., Hemamalini, K., & Sutresna, I. M. (2024). Design of an Ideal Mentoring Model for People Who Convert to Hinduism as a Minority Religion in Indonesia. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(9), e05362.


